"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” –Matthew 5:3

Who are the poor in spirit? They are not those who scavenge the streets. They do not beg for mundane things, nor are they the people searching to fill their voids with that which the world has to offer. Our society defines “poor” as lacking all which we call blessings, defining poverty in a material sense. However, those who seek the high calling of being poor in spirit are Spirit-filled, and they repudiate all external things which the world tempts us to possess. The poor in spirit are called to rid their hearts of all sense of possessing – these are the blessed ones who will inherit the kingdom of heaven. The poor in spirit are no longer slaves to that which is material. With a heart postured in surrender, there comes a freedom from the desire to possess—a crucifixion of life’s proud and boastful spirit. It is within this hunger to know God deeply that the impoverished soul may come to the altar on bended knees and with outstretched arms. Blessed are the poor in spirit. 

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before You with a heart of gratitude, eagerly longing to praise You, even in the midst of trials. My soul seeks to know who You are. Come and fill me up with Your Spirit today, so that Your goodness and mercy will overflow.  May I become more and more like You each and every day , taking one bold and courageous step of faith at a time. Instill in me a poor spirit that possesses all. Amen.  

Passage for Further Reading:

Matthew 5:1-12

About the Author:

Aniah Tapia, a Chicago native, is a freshman at Northwestern University majoring in Biology and minoring in Philosophy. She often spends time encouraging others through handwritten letters and is a mentor to the next generation at her home church, Chicago Tabernacle.


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