/tmp/vtzdx.jpg The Power of Prayer - CANA JOURNAL
"And this is the confidence that we have toward Him, that if we ask anything according to His will He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of Him." –1 John 5:14-15

For years, I’ve had only one key to my car. As a result, I’m in the habit of being extra careful with my key when I’m out and about. One day, I handed my key to my boyfriend in downtown Chicago to store in his pocket. We spent several hours walking around and visiting museums. As we were walking back to the car, he started frantically digging around in his pockets. Sure enough, the key was gone. We scoured the sidewalk and street around the car with no success. We retraced our steps and as we looked, I felt myself becoming more and more anxious. Suddenly, he turned to me. “Let’s pray about it,” he said. So, we bowed our heads on the spot and prayed that God would bless us with finding the key. I felt a wave of peace wash over me, so I suggested we head back to the car.  Just as I reached the spot where we had parked, I heard a shout behind me. I turned around in shock, and my boyfriend held up the key with a big smile on his face. It had been lying on the curb close to the car, but somehow, we didn’t see it until we slowed down to ask God for help.

This story is a testament to the power of prayer. God wants us to come to Him with all the worries on our heart, from big life decisions to small incidents like missing car keys. He delights in hearing from His children, and because of our reconciliation with Him through Christ, we have confidence that He will not deny us any good gift if we ask.

Lord, thank You that we can always come to You in prayer. Teach us to turn to You for big things as well as small, and put Your desires on our heart so we know what to ask. Thank You for being a good and loving Father. Amen.

Passage for Further Reading:

James 1:2-18

About the Author:

Madeleine Roberts is a junior at the University of Chicago studying physics and creative writing. She is Managing Editor of Cana and serves as Co-President of University Ministry of Christ Church Chicago.


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