Editor’s Letter

“Art imitates nature,” Aristotle once claimed. Yet, more often than not, art touches a space beyond our physical world—from the ecstasy of love to the twilight of grief, and indeed, to the very contours of the divine. There is something undeniably spiritual about the whole business. As the philosopher Michel Read more…

Lord the Poet

By Madeleine Roberts Out of the void  where nothing grips  to nothing  in the bottomless cold  you shaped  words, like pearls,  in the warm shadow  of your mouth    that bore upward  reflecting  the light of future heaven  and the color of future earth,  the poetry of all beauty  which Read more…

Commanded to Creaturehood

By Louis DiModica When thinking about the Ten Commandments, most people focus on the “easy” ones—do not steal, do not murder, do not commit adultery (Exod. 20:13-15).  But what about the first one?  “You shall have no other gods before me,” commanded God, first and foremost (Exod. 20:3).  In stating Read more…

Why Do We Create?

By Nikko Wheeler Genesis 1:26-27 says, “Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, after our likeness’… So God created mankind in his own image.” The first question one might ask after reading this verse is… Why did God create us in his image? God did not need to create Read more…

The Gift of Creation

By Walker Haynes There are many passages about creation in the Bible, but I would like to focus on perhaps an unexpected one: John 9. I encourage the reader to review the passage himself, but in summary, Jesus heals a man blind from birth by spitting in the dirt and Read more…

Duty and Awe

By Sophie Rydzewski All acts of creation are rooted in labor. As humans, our very lives are constellations of creation, from the creation and maintenance of family, to the pursuit of wealth, to the process of art making in exploration of the world surrounding us. Across the landscape of human Read more…